Good morning Class 7!
I hope you had a fantastic Easter and the Easter Bunny left you lots of chocolate. Have you got any left? I have one Mini Eggs egg left but I’m saving the mini eggs for a Maths task I’m going to give you on Wednesday.
Make sure that you check out the home learning section of the website on Wednesday morning. If you have some Mini Eggs, Smarties, M&Ms or Skittles save them as you may need them for the task I'm going to set you.
I’ve been playing lots of board games with my family over the Easter break including Dobble, Uno, Scrabble and Pictionary.
The check in for today is; What is your favourite board game? My favourite is Frustration. I remember playing it when I was your age, although my sister always cheated, and now I enjoy playing it with my own son.
Thank you to Zack, Nathaniel, Phoebe, Jack, Hasanat and Jayesh for the comments you’ve made to the class blogs on PurpleMash. It has been great to hear from you and it would be great if more of year 3 kept in touch this week.
Missing you all, keep safe and keep in touch.
Mr Walker x