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News and Updates

Year 1 Check in

Mrs Tiwana


We hope you are all well, safe and working hard on your school work as well as having some fun relaxing time with your family. We really hope you had a lovely Easter holiday packed with lots of fun eating Easter eggs. We are very proud of you all and we certainly miss seeing your smiley faces.

Keep up the good work!

Practicing the 5 animal positions in your day to day activities just like we do at school will build physical strength and make your bodies stronger for

writing and concentration!

Check in for today:

Can you remember the names of all the 5 animal positions we use at school? (Discuss with an adult without looking at the photos)

1. Now match the animal name to the right position using the photos.

2. Then use these animal positions to think of another 5 different activities you could do around your home every day.

I have done one for you.

Gorilla sitting down and watching TV,

Penguinwalking to the bathroom to brush your teeth,

Stone Lion getting ready to set off to another place in your home,

Meerkatopening a door,

Lizard reading a book on the carpet or on a comfy blanket,

3. You could also use this workout video on youtube to hold each animal position in turn for 30 seconds

Have fun, stay safe, stay home and take good care of yourselves!

Mrs Tiwana and Miss Lea


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